Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Car seat safety

Car seat safety is very near and dear to our hearts so here is our reminder <3
Did you know... "Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for children from 3 to 14 years old." - NHTSA

The NHTSA recommends you keep your child rear-facing as long as possible, until her or she reaches the top height or weight limit allowed by your car seat's manufacturer.

After rear-facing limits are met the child should be properly restrained in a forward facing seat with 5 point harness until limits for forward-facing are met.

Booster seats are to be used when the limits of rear-facing AND forward-facing have been met until the child is big enough to fit in a seat belt properly. A seat belt fits properly when the lap belt lies snugly across the upper thighs, not the stomach. The shoulder belt should lie snug across the shoulder and chest and not cross the neck or face.
 Quick tips to be sure your child is properly restrained:
• Harness should not be twisted
• Chest clip should be level with armpits
• Harness should be snug and pass the 'pinch test'
• For rear-facing, harness should attach to shell just below shoulder level.
• For forward-facing, harness should attach at or above shoulder level.
No heavy coats or sweaters. These can make the straps appear tight enough but in the event of an accident, the clothing compresses thus making the straps very loose and ineffective.
• Do not use aftermarket products. (i.e. head support, strap covers, car seat covers that did not come with the seat or seat covers for the car) These products have not been tested with the seat therefor are not safe for use.