Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Cloth Diapering Through a Hurricane

I have lived in South Florida now for 7 years but I have only been living in South Florida with a child for 2 years. Just recently Ashley asked me what my plan was regarding cloth diapers and the hurricane that is evidently headed our way. Opps! Hadn't thought of that! With only a few days left and Hurricane Emily seemingly headed straight for us, I guess I better think about it now.

My plan is to use gDiaper disposable inserts with the diapers I already have. I will make sure all the diapers are clean prior to the hurricane hitting so that will be one less worry. I was never a fan of gDiapers but when I was going to vacation I thought to try them with my own covers while we were traveling so I didn't have to carry poopy diapers on the airplane or in our luggage. Worked like a dream! You can use these inserts with pretty much any diaper, it just lays on top. I have used them in AI2 systems in place of the cloth soaker as well as pocket diapers. For pockets I just remove the cloth insert and lay the disposable on top of the inside. I realize that using these inserts may still result in a diaper or two being soiled in some way or another but even with the trace amounts of urine or poo that may make its way to the cover, they can easily sit in a pail for a week or more with no adverse affects.

Right now you can order the gDiaper disposible inserts on Amazon. I got a pack of Medium/Large that has 128 inserts for only $29.12 using Amazon Mom and Subscribe and Save. Amazon Mom is free and give you free two day shipping which means I will get my diapers on Friday and the storm is said to hit on Saturday. Subscribe and Save give you an additional percentage off and can be canceled at any time. Less than $30 DELIVERED is a GREAT deal considering this same pack is normally $52 retail, not including shipping.

If you are really opposed to my idea you could always go pick up a pack of disposables and call it a day. I definitely believe that disposable diapers have their place and hurricane/disaster situations are justifiable to me! Do what you think is right for you and your family. However I do encourage you do go with a more natural disposable and preferably one that is eco-friendly, free of chemicals and/or biodegradable like Broody Chick, Seventh Generation or Nature Babycare.

So if you live in South Florida and are bracing for Hurricane Emily this weekend, better buy some disposable inserts or eco-friendly disposables right this second! Don't worry if you don't end up needing to use them this time. They will still be usable next time around, or use them out and about, while traveling or wherever. I love them :) Also don't forget to put together a Hurricane Preparedness kit for the whole family now that you have your babies bottom covered. (And PLEASE don't forget about your pets!)

If you have any tips or advice for cloth diapering through a hurricane please feel free to leave us a comment letting us know!


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What chemicals are in disposable diapers?

Before becoming a cloth diapering parent, I never asked myself this question. If you would have asked me while I did use 'sposies' I probably would have said paper and cotton fluff. Naive, huh? Well the truth hurts, literally! No us, but our poor defenseless babies :(

Because I can't figure a better way to say it I would like to quote an article on


Most disposable diapers are bleached white with chlorine, resulting in a byproduct called dioxins that leach into the environment and the diapers. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), dioxins are among the most toxic chemicals known to science and are listed by the EPA as highly carcinogenic chemicals. According to the World Health Organization, exposure to dioxins may cause skin reactions and altered liver function, as well as impairments to the immune system, nervous system, endocrine system and reproductive functions.

Sodium Polyacrylate

Sodium polycarbonate is a super absorbent chemical compound that is used in the fillers of many disposable diapers. It is composed of cellulose processed from trees that is mixed with crystals of polyacrylate. This chemical absorbs fluids and creates surface tension in the lining of the diaper to bind fluids and prevent leakage. Sodium polyacrylate is often visible as small gel-like crystals on the skin of babies and is thought to be linked to skin irritations and respiratory problems. This chemical was removed from tampons due to toxic shock syndrome concerns. As it has only been used in diapers for the last two decades, there is not yet research on the long-term health effects of sodium polyacrylate on babies.

Tributyl-tin (TBT)

Many disposable diapers contain a chemical called tributyl-tin (TBT). According to the EPA, this toxic pollutant is extremely harmful to aquatic (water) life and causes endocrine (hormonal) disruptions in aquatic organisms. TBT is a polluting chemical that does not degrade but remains in the environment and in our food chain. TBT is also an ingredient used in biocides to kill infecting organisms. Additionally, according to research published by the American Institute of Biological Sciences, tributyl-tin can trigger genes that promote the growth of fat cells, causing obesity in humans.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

Disposable diapers frequently contain chemicals called volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These include chemicals such as ethylbenzene, toluene, xylene and dipentene. According to the EPA, VOCs can cause eye, nose and throat irritation, headaches, damage to the liver, kidney and central nervous system as well as cancers.

Other Chemicals

Other chemicals often used in disposable diapers include dyes, fragrances, plastics and petrolatums. Adhesive chemicals are used in the sticky tabs to close the diapers and dyes are used to color and make the patterns and labels that mark diapers. Perfumes and fragrances are used in some disposable diapers to help mask odors.

Kind of shocking huh? If your child is in diapers 24/7 for two and a half years that's 912 days or approximately 21,900 hours that your child has been constantly exposed to these chemicals. Shocking statistic isn't it?


Cloth Diapering Support for Broward County and surrounding South Florida

By creating this community, our goal is to educate and assist families with their cloth diapering journey whether they are new to the process or a long time veteran that is looking to help others. We will show the benefits to cloth diapering not only for your baby, but for the environment as well.

Things you can learn through South Florida Cloth Diapering:
• How can I get started?
• What kind of diaper should I use?
• What detergent should I use?
• How do I wash a 'cloth diaper'?
• Cloth diapers are so expensive, is there a cheaper option?
• What are the benefits of cloth diapering?
• What about when I'm out and about, what then?
• Can I use cloth diapers while on vacation?
• and much much more!

If any of these questions appeal to you, then South Florida Cloth Diapering is for you. Please head over to Facebook and like our page. Any and all questions can be posted to the wall or you can email us at
