By creating this community, our goal is to educate and assist families with their cloth diapering journey whether they are new to the process or a long time veteran that is looking to help others. We will show the benefits to cloth diapering not only for your baby, but for the environment as well.
Things you can learn through South Florida Cloth Diapering:
• How can I get started?
• What kind of diaper should I use?
• What detergent should I use?
• How do I wash a 'cloth diaper'?
• Cloth diapers are so expensive, is there a cheaper option?
• What are the benefits of cloth diapering?
• What about when I'm out and about, what then?
• Can I use cloth diapers while on vacation?
• and much much more!
If any of these questions appeal to you, then South Florida Cloth Diapering is for you. Please head over to Facebook and like our page. Any and all questions can be posted to the wall or you can email us at
Hi Jessica! Great group! Let me know how I can be of assistance. My name is Mia, owner of we are South Florida's only Green cloth diaper service. We LOVE connecting with mommies to ensure they enjoy their cloth diapering experience.